Controlling the Minds: Using Media to Build and Impose Narratives

Along with the war using the materialistic tools, the modern-day world welcomes the war of ideas, narratives and, in the simplest terms, hegemony. Under...

Suppressing Student Voices: The Crises at Turbat University

University education refers to a level of education offered at universities. The purpose of university education must lead to the development of the learner...

Longing Injustices of Turbat University

The protests at universities have become a common practice in Balochistan. Students are compelled to do strikes for their genuine issues since administrative bodies...

Unfairness of University of Turbat Towards Students

The students of the University of Turbat (UoT) are facing serious and unfair restrictions imposed by the administration. These include ceasing students from organizing...

Unjustified Suspension and Rustication of Students at Turbat University: A Call...

Turbat University, once a beacon of education and progress for the students of Balochistan, is now facing intense criticism for its unjustified actions against...

Covering Balochistan Through “Pakistan: The Balochistan Conundrum”

Tilak Devasher, a former Indian civil servant with years of experience, examined Pakistan’s internal and external affairs through his various articles and books, including...