I, Manal, stepped in Eram’s room to have a discussion on the life of the lost girl who suffered years of mental torment after her son’s death. I wanted to stay up all day chatting with her; she is the only person who ever understands me. So do I. Our discussion was going smoothly on different subjects and so on and so fort.

Abruptly, we looked at the sky, it was growing cloudy and I headed home without having the sip of coffee as we were used to sipping coffee in free times. You know, I love the nature_ most especially when it rains.

Having a book in my hand and sitting alone on the ravishing mountains of Balochistan is what made my soul freshened. I love having solitary walk on the mountain, therefore, solitude is my sole companion of life and the cloud is the remembrance of my bygone memories. Glimpsing at the photo turned my attention elsewhere, then came through the cloud of confusions being myself in the die-hard society.

After a bit of time outside as much as I entered in my study room, I saw the book “I know why the caged bird sings” whose pages were wrenched. Looking at the book shattered, I could come across to depression as it was the best book that I have ever read. Then, I sat near the window of my room, and made myself busy in eyeing the beautiful nature of God. Pleased to seeing the beautiful birds flying freely and singing the song:

“Oh God, where shall we find you?
In the heart of a dead mother,
On the smiles of hers,
From the radiant and innocent children,
From the birds which are caged,
In the dreams of a father,
In the hopes of the siblings,
To the eyes of a hopeless being,
In the graveyard.

After a bit of time in looking the encaged birds, I could not control my tears. I thought may the God shall be sought through the eyes and tears of the aged parents. Hope I am dead-on. Hope the departed soul is in the heaven. He chats with God to eye me, but I am really unfortunate as when I die I am be in the hell.

After passing the indelible day, I could remember the long-lived memories when we used to perch ourselves on the edge of the beds as those were the happiest days of my life. We had lots of love and smiled with relief. I always remember the mother whose eyes always smile up at me.

After sitting on her hands, her arms became dead. Till today she has the hallucinations due to which neither she smiles nor mourns as her fate used to be under the grievance. The beauty of world is always visible to the eyes of every creature. The world passes by and creates diverse memories for everyone. Sometimes, memories last forever, sometimes end in no time.

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The writer is a student of Law at Faculty of Law, University of Turbat and a part time teacher at DELTA. He writes for different national newspapers. He has also won Agahi Award (Pakistan's biggest Journalism Awards) in the category of Human Rights in 2018. He can be reached at munaj1baloch@gmail.com and tweets at @MunajGul