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Child marriages are never a solution

Child marriage is the easiest way to destroy the coming generation socially, economically and educationally. Because when children are married off in teenages, they do not become capable to bear the tough responsibilities of a wife on their weak shoulders– specifically in this modern age. They either choose to divorce or commit suicide; in other cases they remain silent and bear all the consequences against them.

Most commonly, people pinpoint their ancestors who usually married when teens and ask the new generation to marry soon. They also cite that the divorce ratio back then was very low because they were obedient and took all the household responsibilities tacitly. No doubt, divorce rate was almost none few decades earlier, but reason was not early marriages, rather lack of awareness of fundamental rights. Now the generation is modernized and everyone knows their rights and duties. People in past only relied on a living, but in recent times education is the foremost need of time after which one thinks of marriage and all the other things.

Another great factor of child marriages, particularly in Balochistan and Sindh, is age difference. Mostly, overage males ask for girls who are in their teenages. Very unfortunately, most parents accept their proposals and ruin their daughters’ lives. It is either because of wealth or societal influence due to which parents accept a person above 50 for their daughter.

Once children are wedded off in childhood, they get to quit their education, which directly affects the literacy rate of the region. Our youngsters wish to become doctors, pilots, teachers, motivational speakers, etcetera, but end with marriages, washing away all their desires. Why don’t parents understand youths need other things more than marriages?

In short, teen ages are of a process for the youths to making a name for themselves and their nation. It is their basic right to get an education and not marry unless they have their personal willingness. It is the right time when they learn how to manage themselves with the world. When parents focus more on their education other than their marriages, life will be different for them. They will be stars for the nation. Hence, we look forward to a better Balochistan.

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