In their latest statement, a central spokesperson to the National Democratic Party (NDP) expressed concerns over the outnumbering cases of enforced disappearances across Balochistan. He noted that only in the month of February this year, most cases of forced disappearances have been reported from Barkhan (8) and Gowadar (8), followed by 7 cases in Kech district – with many going unreported. “These unwilling disappearances have given birth to a human crisis in Balochistan,” he notes.

In the same month, four cases of illegal detentions have been noted from Mashkay (Awaran), three from Quetta, two from Parom (Panjgur) and one from Pasni, the spokesperson added, fearing that the actual number is even higher than what has been reported. “Families are either pressurized to remain silent or fear such a fate, while those who were released after detentions are an exception in the February list,” he mentions.

The spokesperson is of the view that civilians must be refrained from given any such assaults and harassments, while stressing the use of unlawful methods to create an atmosphere of fear among the masses as deeply pathetic to the state. It is, he states, not only a violation of fundamental human rights, but also opposite to the state’s own constitutional articles, along with the breach of international laws. “The silence of United Nations, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and other international entities is questionable as far as Baloch rights violations are concerned,” he says.

The spokesperson demanded attention of the international human rights organizations to take notice of the growing enforced disappearances across Balochistan and “compel the state to abide by the international laws”.

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