Nabeel Nodh: A Caged Poet – Ali Jan Maqsood

“She is conscious in a moment, and loses her courage and hope, and gets back to unconsciousness calling out Nodul,” says a family member...

Mahrang Baloch: The Iron Lady that Haunts the Powerful

In a downtrodden and oppressed region—Balochistan—where truth is branded as a crime, dissent is dubbed as a threat, and political activism is viewed as...

Atrocious Acts in Shaal: Unveiling the Nature of a Failed State

In the evolutionary process of civilisations, the human beings have suffered countless losses and challenges in the long-term journey from dark age to the...

Controlling the Minds: Using Media to Build and Impose Narratives

Along with the war using the materialistic tools, the modern-day world welcomes the war of ideas, narratives and, in the simplest terms, hegemony. Under...

Suppressing Student Voices: The Crises at Turbat University

University education refers to a level of education offered at universities. The purpose of university education must lead to the development of the learner...

Longing Injustices of Turbat University

The protests at universities have become a common practice in Balochistan. Students are compelled to do strikes for their genuine issues since administrative bodies...