Balochistan touches borders with neighboring Iran where most of the drivers travel with their Zamyad cars in particular to supply oil and petrol and earn a living. As a general assumption, around 5,000 families make a living from here...
“The educated differs from uneducated as much as the living differs from dead.”
If we want to understand and live life in a better way taking into consideration the modern era, we need to seek education. It is rightly said...
Agricultural production, economic activities and deforestation add more atmospheric CO2 than the sum total of cars and trucks on the world’s roads. According to the World Carfree Network (WCN), vehicles contribute 14 percent of global CO2 emissions, while others...
Viktor Frankl, the Australian author and psychiatrist, wrote a book “Men’s Search For Meaning”. During the World War II (1939-1945), he spent most of his time in German concentration camps (the camps in which people were kept, punished, killed...
The Balochi Film Karesth, directed by Homer Kiya, is one of the best films Balochi film industry has ever created. The main character in this movie is of Hafeez Lal who is playing the role of Ustad Meero, a...
The number of drug addicts in Turbat is on a constant rise for last couple of years. It has ultimately engaged the youths in hazardous activities which can destroy their lives. The continuous use of drugs makes them mentally,...
Taking into consideration deeply, I wonder what depression may be? Is it the sadness we feel after we lose a close one? Is it crying for days in darkness in languishing? Or is it like being alone after a...
Balochistan is not only the largest province of Pakistan in terms of area, but also the largest province in entire South Asia. With 147,000 square miles, its location makes it strategically significant. Geopolitically, Balochistan is an important part of...
By street boys, I refer to those children who wander idly in the streets. Sadly, their number is on a constant rise in Balochistan. According to a recent survey, Pakistan’s 1.2 million children are street boys. The capital city...
A civilized state always recognizes all the basic rights of its citizens including education, equality, no discrimination, freedom of speech, freedom of expression, no slavery, right to live freely and, most importantly, protection of the citizens. Pakistani constitution, from...