Dazin is a village in Tehsil Tump of district Kech. It is some 100 kilometers away from Turbat city in the west. It takes two hours to reach in the town due to the bumpy roads.
On our way to...
Unalike the other months, whenever I get to see the name of December, I do remember the blown up of that enlightened lamp. The December refreshes my wound, nevertheless, the wound of the whole nation.
December 21 is as hard...
Other people read history while some establish it. It is the struggle for life that creates a normal person to rise in the best pages of the history. Not to name many, we get Baba Khair Bakhsh Marri, Nawab...
Nameeran ey Banuk Karima Baloch!
In the dark nights of hunger
When the Star of cruelty rules
Your dreams shatter
Like the soul
Wandering on the sky
Your eyes complain
To the fairies of hope
Your spirit breaks
Like a mirror on the sky
Your heart cries
To the unconscious...
In a state or nation, trade, business, import and export, companies and the industries work with the will and consent of the masses. All the other forms, other than the mentioned, are considered as exploitation, snatching up and plundering...
On a recent rally held by Baloch Students Action Committee (BSAC) at Quetta, the capital of Balochistan, against burning of schools in Balochistan, plenty children, with bags of collecting garbages, were sitting around in a corner and looking everything...
Earlier 2020, frankly speaking, the news spread in social medias that Sajid Hussain had been abducted in Uppsala, Sweden. “Sajid Hussain”, I echoed in my mind, but could not bring into my account who Sajid Hussain really was.
Later on,...
Hirronk, a village of natural pulchritude and hospitality, is some 60 kilometers away from Turbat city in its east. It is the place which attracts every visitor because of its ultimate beauty. Its everlasting attraction is captured in the...
Translation By Ali Jan Maqsood
As usual, I came and slept in my hostel room after attending my classes. As I opened my eyes and woke up, the first message was of him… “Where? Come in canteen.” We usually sat...
Mir Gul Khan Nasir was among those Baloch writers who indited the history of Baloch. He penned down several poems in Balochi, Urdu, Persian and other languages. Some of his papular books include “The Baloch Race, Daastan-e-Dostain o Sheereen.”...