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In the opinion portion we include the personal thoughts of the individuals who wish ans desire to express their ideas in their writings.

Many seminars and workshops are being held for the sake of awareness. In every seminar and workshop, the trainers or sponsors try to bring something new that covers most of the world. From all these, there is a topic...
Every nation in the world has a distinct way of life which gives that particular nation a recognition. Like the same the Baloch nation through the history has come across so many phases of peace and war which have...
Honour which isn't mine! The birth of a baby Is celebrated with gunfire Everyone becomes happy Bringing every heart together Cows and Cattles Are Salautered with sharpe blades Every kith and kin including mom Dances with happies But!! The dark night resembling a devil Will gloom the light Double-Barreled guns turns...
  Zulfikar Ali Zulfi Jan Muhammad Dashti not only played a crucial role for Balochi language and literature, he also contributed much for the uplift of Urdu journalism in Balochistan. He was an intellectual and discussed about every social and literary subject...
AK Baloch Balochistan, the center of 51.5 billion dollars project (CPEC), lacks the basic healthcare facility which according to the United Nation is the basic right of any human being. Balochistan produces much more resources for the country as compared...
The beginning of an individual’s journey starts the day when he/she gets birth and those are the societal norms and values which keep nourishing the individual’s mind unconsciously. I as well journeyed through this long process which gradually created...
Don't criticize what you can't understand Bob Dylan One of our team members had shared a picture of a Baloch woman who seems to be busy in cooking and the picture carried a caption highlighting the deprivation of Baloch from its...
Noor Ahmed Jugri For the due description of God’s blessings, humans become wordless and voiceless. What human can do is to sing the praises of all mercies in each beat of heart. Imagination too supports to gain enough strength to...