Hasnain Baloch, an itinerant, hailing from the pleasing and mountainous land of Baloch in Balochistan, has always been fond of paying visits to the historical places of the region. For him, occasionally the travels were heaped up with blessings,...
Lumma-e-Watan While sky hung its moon, Enthroned my moon on its bosom That comforted my soul Air confines the unity Loud silence whispers Darkness glares Every night moon brings a new story of dead voices I enjoy Smile And laugh Laugh louder, The moon speaks of hope in language Lumma-e-Watan taught Of...


Stranger Balochi Poetry: Pazeer GM English Translation: Nabeel Armaan Tis life Tis servitude Night's color is the delightness of walls and streets My feet are detached from my wheat skined land Stranger come here Moving where Will you not bind the salt of river with your throat That it...
The book "fall" is written by Albert Camus, a French philosopher. He was awarded Noble prize in 1957. Albert Camus was an absurdist, though people confuse him to be an anexistentialist. Fall is one of his famous books where...
The writer of this book, Declan Walsh is an Irish author and journalist who served as Pakistan bureau chief for “The Guardian" and "The New York Times" from 2003 to 2013. He was forced to leave Pakistan within 72...

Hold on!

Hold on! Hold on! Pace gently, For the path you're choosing is the path of ailment, Take a breath, slow down Have a look back, Its a step of pain, A twinge of guilt awaits you there Wait, observe, turn around There lies a ditch ahead, Hold on,...
The hope of my life (Son) is in Quetta. He is about to get his MPhil degree within some months. By the God's grace after getting his degree, he opens an institution in our village to provide an education...
He is perpetually seen in visiting the graveyard day in, day out. Sometimes_ passes his whole days and nights in the graveyard echoing an unanswered question, "Who is next?" He is_ albeit never wished to be caged with the...


Originally written by Altaf Sakhi in Balochi & translated into English by Ali Jan Maqsood یات مرچی پُریں دو سال ات کہ آ چہ لوگءَ دراتکگ ات.....بلے آ هچ بر چو ملُور نہ ات چو کہ مرچی آ چو ملُور ات......شپ...
If God smiles...! In the world of humanity Where God desperately gathers the happinesses Excluding all the sorrows! The birds dream of a system with justice Not only in words but in practical! Beseeching to the nearest to God, we eye you Hayat If thou finds...
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