Life sometimes grants us with multitude gladness, invades our minds by putting all positive aspects one really requires. It, however, owns us everything to make our soul confident and fulfilled, yet we get encircled with emptiness by bringing false...
It was afternoon when he was preparing to leave for bus terminal. The weather seemed brokered by clouds_ the clouds which cried to water the land, the clouds that enhanced the love of landlord towards his lands by producing...
Be it society, man or human's sordid existence, Arundhati Roy, an Indian Right activist, an architect and most of all, an appealing author, is always subject to media discussions. Though most known for her non-fictional works like The Algebra...
He was sitting still for hours and staring at the black dot on the white wall of the room with frozen eyes. It seemed like his connections with nothingness just started to be built and he was hanging in...
"Some books are to be tasted; others swallowed; few to be chewed and digested." The English philosopher Bacon's call to deal different books differently is thought-provoking as there are books about love, war, traditions, culture, traveling, history, technology but what...
"Naazul, I cannot believe how lazy you are becoming day by day. Leave your phone, pray isha and do not forget to recite Holy Quran and Ayat ul Kursi before you sleep." shouted my mom at me at an...
The book “Energy Addict” is written by an American author Jon Gordon in 2004. This book has been sold throughout the globe with the translation of several languages because of its uniqueness. Energy Addict is all about the secret of...
Once there lived a skeptic man, named Xenos from about 1566 in ancient Ethiopia. During childhood, he always listened myths, specially Greek myths from his grandfather. Xenos always saw his father worshipping gods, having same bodies and images as...
Hamid was content because he was going to his own home for celebrating his mother's birthday party. When he arrived at home, his mother was sad and silent. He asked her with much concern, "Why you are sad and sitting...
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